EWC June 24' Update

The Exposed Wildlife Conservancy
June 20, 2024

With heavy hearts, we announce that the extraordinary white grizzly bear known as Nakoda has succumbed to injuries she sustained after getting hit by a vehicle in Yoho National Park on Friday, June 7th. Her tragic death comes less than 36 hours after her twin cubs were struck and killed in a separate incident on the Trans-Canada Highway. Both incidents happened on the same section of highway where Nakoda’s sister and mother were killed in previous years.

Despite ongoing efforts to prevent such tragedies, like the implementation of a mandatory No Stopping Zone and a 70-kilometre per hour speed limit between Yoho Valley Road and Sherbrooke Creek, this heartbreaking incident underscores the urgent need for continued work to ensure the safety of our wildlife on roads and in our national parks.

Exposed Co-Founder John E. Marriott comments on the tragic news of the two newborn cubs of the infamous white grizzly Nakoda:

“I think we’re going to have to take a hard look at what we can do to once again make the Lake Louise area a source population for grizzly bears, because right now it's a mortality sink and it's only being kept afloat by bears immigrating to the area from elsewhere.”

Together, WE CAN! Over 1,300 Letters Already Sent

Nakoda’s Letter: Add Your Voice Today

We invite you to take action in memory of Nakoda and her cubs.Together, we can give a bold voice to Nakoda, her cubs and all wildlife by sending out 3,000 pre-written letters - one thousand each for Nakoda and her two cubs - directly to the Environment Minister, the head of Parks Canada, the superintendent of the Lake Louise-Yoho-Kootenay field unit, and your local government representative urging them to consider further mitigation efforts for grizzly bears on our roads and railways in the national parks.

We have over 1,300 letters already signed and sent. Will you help us get to 3,000? Simply click the button below to by sign, send, and share this letter with your networks, if you have not done so already, and add your voice. Our pre-filled letter takes less than a minute to sign and send. Or, if prefered, there is also the option to edit the letter as well.

Add your voice to Nakoda's Letter. Every letter makes a difference!

For our friends outside of Canada who want to add their voice to Nakoda's Letter, you can use our business address to sign and send your letter: 7316 101 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6A 0J2.

Photo Credit: Ambassador Lee Horbachewski

The Team at Exposed are committed to advocating for comprehensive solutions that prioritize wildlife safety and habitat conservation. We aim to bring people together to raise awareness and push for legislative and infrastructural improvements that will mitigate the risk of further wildlife fatalities on our roads.

John E Marriott, Co-Founder of Exposed, discusses the regrettable impact of the Nakoda's death:(via Global News):

“To have this kind of all unfold in the last couple weeks — first her cubs get hit and then within 24 hours, she gets hit and then within another 24 hours, she succumbs to those injuries — when I heard the news, it was devastating.”

Nakoda is the sixth known breeding female killed since 2020, and the 14th grizzly to die from human causes in the mountain parks (Banff-Yoho-Jasper-Kootenay) since 2019. These losses are particularly concerning given the grizzly bear's 'Threatened' status in Alberta.

“Not only has this taken a real emotional toll on wildlife lovers, but I can’t imagine what the Parks Canada staff is going through.

two years, they’ve been monitoring her from dawn to dusk, and they’ve been doing a fantastic job keeping her alive, but there’s just so much going on that with all the mitigation measures and the levers that they’re pulling, they still weren’t able to keep her on the landscape and that’s a real shame.”

Photo Credit: Ambassador John E. Marriott
Photo Credit: Ambassador John E. Marriott

Do you want to ensure Nakoda's death results in positive action for the future?

Let’s amplify your voice! Please make a one-time donation in honour of Nakoda and her cubs to ensure that we are sharing Nakoda's call-to-action letter with more people. The more people that join this campaign, the stronger our impact will be.

By increasing awareness, doing your part, and fostering donations, you help us move us towards a future where collaboration with government agencies and transportation authorities is impactful and consistently ensures the safe coexistence of wildlife, like Nakoda and her cubs, alongside our transportation networks for years to come.

All donations receive a Canadian Charitable tax receipt

Community Fundraiser!

Celebrate Nakoda’s life and show your support by visiting the Rose and Crown in Banff, Alberta tomorrow! They have notified us that they will be hosting a "white party" on Friday, June 21st, showcasing local aspiring DJs in tribute to Nakoda and her cubs. A portion of the proceeds of select cocktails will go to support the efforts of Exposed Wildlife Conservancy!

Thank you for your support!

Alarming Cougar Hunting Quota Increase

Advocating for Transparent Wildlife Management

Photo Credit: Ambassador John E. Marriott

Did you know that the quota for female cougars hunted in Alberta this year was increased 125% more than the previous year?

Devon Earl, a conservation specialist with Alberta Wildlife Association, and our own co-founder John E. Marriott, raised concerns in early April with Forestry and Parks Minister Todd Lowen and with the provincial carnivore biologist, Paul Frame, about the nature of how and why this decision was made. It is clear that this decision wasn't based on science, but rather that it was the Forestry and Parks Minister 'helping out' hunting and outfitting stakeholders and overriding the professional recommendations of expert cougar researchers and biologists.

Exposed Wildlife Conservancy firmly believes that wildlife management and decisions should be grounded in science rather than favouring specific interest groups.

Predators  like cougars play a critical role  in maintaining ecosystem balance. Recognizing their inherent worth, we advocate for ensuring their ability to thrive in their natural habitats, free from undue human interference. Prioritizing transparency ensures sustainable practices that preserve the crucial role of predators in ecosystem health. 

To learn about cougars, including how to coexist with them on the trails, on the farm, or at home, visit our free and informative Cougar Series.

Make a meaningful impact on cougar conservation by donating to our Cougar Coexistence Program with a one-time contribution today.

All donations will receive a Canadian charitable tax receipt.

The First Day of Summer Is Here!

Coexisting On the Trails

Photo Credit: Ambassador John E. Marriott

It’s hard to change gears after terrible news like that, but with the first day of summer now here and drawing us all outdoors, be sure to keep an eye out for our wildlife friends on your hikes or family campouts to keep both yourself and wildlife comfortable and safe while you are in their home.

General strategies you can take on the trails to respect and coexist with wildlife are:

  • Make noise frequently to warn wildlife of your presence. Carry deterrents that make loud noises, such as a whistle or rattle (e.g., pebbles in a canister), or use your human voice. This will give wildlife time to move away to avoid an encounter with you. 
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Avoid wearing ear-buds or earphones to listen to music as that inhibits your hearing.
  • Stay on marked trails and be mindful that wildlife are more active at dusk and dawn. 
  • Consider keeping your pet at home if you’re on heavily-used wildlife trails. However, if you do bring your pet onto the trails, restrain (leash) your dog when walking it to reduce the potential of it harassing an animal, being attacked by one, or bringing it back with them. 
  • Carry bear spray whenever you go on a hike, bike ride, fishing trip or any outdoor activity. Consider adding an air horn or bear banger, too, as a precaution, and know how to use everything, especially the bear spray. 
  • Learn how to respond appropriately if you encounter a cougar, wolf, and bear on the trails.
Photo Credit: Ambassador John E. Marriott

We also cannot stress enough how important it is to put wildlife first when travelling through Canada's parks and wild places.

Here are five simple suggestions you can take to reduce human-caused wildlife fatalities on the roads, be an exemplary role model for others travelling, and be an advocate for wildlife in our wild places and parks.

1. Respect the speed limit and keep your eye out for wildlife to reduce wildlife human-caused roadside mortalities

2. Put safety first - slow down if you see wildlife on the road or roadside

3. Be vigilant at night when wildlife is harder to spot

4. Stay in your vehicle at all times if you come across wildlife on the road

5. Avoid stopping on the roadside to view wildlife

Welcoming New Team Members!

Photo Credit: Ambassador John E. Marriott

We are pleased to be welcoming  two new team members to the EWC Team.

Erin is our new communications wizard hired to help us provide an even bigger voice for wildlife and Andy is our fundraising guru who will unleash the power of generosity for wolves, bears, and cougars. 

You will be ‘seeing’ Erin and Andy starting in the next few weeks. However, you are always welcome to keep in touch with the Exposed team, including John, at info@exposedwc.org

Thank you for your continued support and for being an important ally for wildlife in Canada!


The Team At Exposed

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